Tri System's Edge: Paradise Unraveled Read online

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  Nola was sitting with Seth when out of nowhere, the pain hit. Dr. Staves came rushing out to his son, hoping to somehow help, but within a matter of minutes, he also was taken by the pain. Unable to do anything to help, Nola ran crying out of the house, listening to the screams that could be heard throughout the entire city. From the steps of Seth’s home she could see many others standing outside, crying, with no idea what to do other than wait and hope for the best.

  The screams went on for hours before they gradually started to die down. Nola, still waiting outside, sitting on the steps, finally stood to enter the home. As she entered the doorway and peered into the house, she could see the two men still crouched on the floor, both rocking back and forth, head in hands. She slowly approached Seth, calling out to him.

  “Seth? Are you alright?” He continued to rock back and forth, holding his head tight in his hands. As she moved in closer, she repeated the question. “Are you alright?” As she came near and crouched down, she put her hands on his, slowly pulling them away from his face.

  “Something’s wrong.” he whispered softly as he looked up at Nola. She jumped back immediately in fear as his eyes had changed to a dark red color that seemed to almost glow in the low light of the evening.

  Over the next several days, each of the infected began to change physically, causing great pain that could be heard simultaneously through the city as the infected would scream in agony. Nola stayed by Seth’s side, in spite of the fear she now had, but couldn’t leave him alone. In addition to wanting to comfort Seth during his time of need, his Father had asked Nola to keep a video journal of the changes which she reluctantly agreed to do. With a small camera in hand, she filmed herself along with Seth and Dr. Staves, documenting the changes each day.

  Day 1: “After several hours of agonizing pain, the eyes have changed to a dark redish color and seem to give off a faint glow in darkness.”

  Day 2: “More pain in the night for several hours. The bones in the chest and back stretched, making the torso elongated and skinny. They are both randomly getting angry and will shake uncontrollably for a few minutes at a time. It’s hard to watch the pain they’re both experiencing.”

  Day 3: “There seemed to be a break through most of the previous day and well into the early morning of the next day before the pain began again. The legs stretched slightly while the knees bent inward and now seem to bend toward the back, similar to an animal. They can no longer stand up straight, but move about in an odd ape like manner. I’m not sure how much longer I can watch.”

  Day 4: “The arms have stretched similar to the legs, the hands merging into three large fingers with sharp nails at the end of each. While neither of them has attacked me, they both yell and threaten me regularly now, then regaining their senses quickly and apologizing.”

  Day 5: “They won’t eat. Everything I’ve tried feeding them all week is thrown up immediately after being swallowed. The only change today came with no other noticeable pain as all bodily hair seems to have fallen out, along with all the teeth which almost look like they’re being replaced. I’m going to try and make it through the night, but I think I’ll have to leave soon.”

  Day 6: “Overnight, the skin has turned quite dark, almost black in color, everywhere except the face. I can barely make out who they are at this point and they don’t even look human anymore. Also, random fits of violence that have been gradually increasing all week seem to have gotten much worse. I can’t stay any longer for fear of my life.”

  In tears, Nola looked at the creature that used to be Seth, wishing she could somehow bring him back.

  “I love you Seth.” she managed to say as she stood by the door, sobbing.

  “Pleesch, Nala, don ga.” was the only slur that Seth could muster as he watched Nola run out the door.

  Clumsily he attempted to chase her out the door, but she was gone by the time he got outside. Just then he saw another creature much like him only fully complete, blackened face with sharp fangs filling its mouth. It stared at him for a moment before screeching at him as if calling him to follow. The creature then turned in the direction of the gate as it ran off into the mist. Seth followed the creature as it ran through the city and out the open gate where a pile of meat was being devoured by several other creatures in a vicious manner. Among the final thoughts of his own, Seth noticed the guard in the tower by the entrance of the gate throwing large pieces of meat out into the field. Almost as though it was instinct, Seth followed the others toward the free meal out in the field, leaving the city behind once and for all.

  Throughout that day, gunshots could be heard randomly within the city. Screams of victims being devoured by the creatures echoed into the night. Nola had gone home where she’d locked herself in, crouched on the floor in her room, attempting to hide her ears from the noises outside as she wept for the loss of her love, Seth.

  In the early hours of the morning, his room a mess of piled belongings, the empty trunk still sitting peacefully in the corner where it had been for so long, the Doctor’s mind finally gave into the organisms that had already taken his body. He rushed out of the house toward the powerful smell of rotting meat out in the open field. The guard standing watch by the gate barely heard the hiss and growl of another creature just in time to crack the gate open enough to let it run free, away from the city. Once outside, the gate slammed shut with a loud bang as the creature disappeared into the thick mist.

  Later that day, Tav and Davis returned from their trek upon the cliffs to find the chaos that had taken place while they were gone. Unable to find Seth or Dr. Staves, they made their way quickly to Nola’s house where they learned what had happened, crying together at the loss of their friend and all of the others who were now gone.

  Seventeen Years Later

  Because resources in the valley were becoming harder and harder to come by, Commander Tarin had begun evacuations to the cliffs above, finally authorizing the use of the Ghosts that he’d so wisely preserved for just such an emergency. But with so many people to move, evacuation efforts were slow and cumbersome, leaving the majority to go about their business as usual until it was their turn.

  An old man sat in the center of the city, still protected on the north by the high cliff walls and encircled for many kilometers by a large stone wall that had been built many years ago. The man sat peacefully in the light of day, in spite of the thick mist that had permeated the valley floor since the days of the meteor showers. The residents of the city had somehow survived the awful events that followed. They managed to keep the creatures, known now as the Vie, outside the city, using deadly force when necessary. So, the man sat, as he did each day, waiting for his turn to be taken upon the cliffs.

  A woman, not as young as she once was a short few years ago, sat quietly next to the old man, pulling a flask of water from the satchel around her shoulder. He turned and in a raspy voice asked if he could have a sip. She politely nodded as she handed him the container. After taking several sips of the cold water he handed the flask back to the woman and began to speak.

  “Very few dare to venture outside the safety of the walls these days, as it’s a certain death sentence to run into the Vie.” he offered. “Ya either become a meal or one of em’ if ya live!” The woman just smiled and listened as if to humor the old man. “But a boy I knew by the name of Jarek, he got bit a few months back and he’s fine. I seen him just the other day, honest I did!”

  “I’ve seen him too.” replied Nola, full of mixed emotions as she continued. “He’s my son.”

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